
Selected scientific publications

Tjernberg, C. & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (submitted). Inclusive education in teaching, reading and writing.

Tjernberg, C. & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2017). From methods and concepts to learning processes in teacher education and research. Nordic Studies in Education, 39(1) 35-45. DOI: 10.1018261/issn. 1891- 5949 

Tjernberg, C., & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2014). Inclusion in practice: a matter of school culture. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29, 2, 247-256.

Heimdahl Mattson, E., Fischbein, S. & Roll-Pettersson, L. (2010). Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia – an Interactionistic and Longitudinal Perspective. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14, 8, pp. 813 – 827.  

Heimdahl Mattson, E. & Malmgren Hansen, A. (2009). Inclusive and Exclusive Education; Principals’ Opinions and Experiences. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 24, 4, 464 – 474.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. & Roll Pettersson, L. (2007b). Segregated Groups or Inclusive Education? An Interview Study with Students experiencing Failure in Reading and Writing. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 51, 3, 239 – 252.

Roll Pettersson, L. & Heimdahl Mattson. (2007a). Perspectives of Mothers of Children with Dyslectic Difficulties concerning their encounters with school.  European Journal of Special Needs Education 22, 4, 409 - 423.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2001b). Participation and Peer Group Relationships of Students with Disabilities. Nordisk Tidskrift för Specialpedagogik, 79, 3, 137-147.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2001a). Inclusive strategies and bureaucratic organisations in integrated and segregated school systems. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 3, (1), 39 – 55.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (1998b) (dissertation) The School Situation of Students with Motor Disabilities. Interaction of Individual Prerequisites and Environmental Demands. Stockholm: HLS Förlag.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (1998a). Adjusted school environments for students with severe motor disabilities. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2, 3, 237-253.

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (1997). Students with disabilities in integrated/segregated environments – independence and autonomy. In Ann Kylén (ed.) Special Educational Research in an international &, interdisciplinary perspective - documentation. Stockholm Institute of Education. Department of Special Education. Specialpedagogisk kunskap. Dokumentation nr 1, 1997. (pp. 277-280)

Mattson, E. (1996). Students with functional impairments in comprehensive schools; focusing on independence and autonomy. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 11, 2, 191-201.

Mattson, E. (1995). Parents’ and teachers’ views on the schooling of children with motor handicaps. European Journal of Special Needs Education,10, 1, 249- 257.

Mattson, E. (1994). Disabled students’ experience of dependence and autonomy in integrated/segregated environments. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 9, 2, 119-124.

Selected publications in Swedish 

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2008). Mot en inkluderande skola? Elevers syn på organisation och genomförande av specialpedagogiska insatser. Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten och Stockholms universitet 

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2006). Mot en inkluderande skola? Skolledares syn på organisation och genomförande av specialpedagogiska insatser. Specialpedagogiska Institutet och Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm 

Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2001). Statliga specialpedagogiska stödinsatser för elever med funktionshinder. Behovsinventering och analys. Härnösand: Specialpedagogiska Institutet 

Participation in the media

Heimdahl Mattson, E. & Tjernberg, C. (2014) Svaga elever hjälps inte av tidiga betyg. Aftonbladet Debatt October, 8th. 2014

Tjernberg, C. & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2014) Med forskare i skolan. UNT Debatt. June, 2th. 2014
Heimdahl Mattson, E. & Tjernberg, C. (2014) Låt läraren ta plats. UNT Debatt. January, 23th. 2014

Tjernberg, C., Heimdahl Mattson, E. Myrberg, M. (2013). Se varje enskild elev. Debattartikel i Lärarnas tidning, årg. 24, nr. 16, 2013.

Tjernberg, C. & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2013). Tidiga prov ger inte bättre skola. UNT Debatt. February, 2th. 2013

Interview in Specialpedagogen, nr 3, 2007. Comments on the report Mot en inkluderande skola? Skolledares syn på organisation och genomförande av specialpedagogiska insatser.

Fischbein, S., Helldin, R. & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2006) Högskoleverket förordar exkludering. Svenska Dagbladet. Brännpunkt. April, 23th, p. 5.

Interview in Svenska Dagbladet, November 9th, 2006. Comments on the report Mot en inkluderande skola? Skolledares syn på organisation och genomförande av specialpedagogiska insatser.

Roll Pettersson, L. & Heimdahl Mattson, E. (2005). "Allt läggs på oss”; Föräldrar till barn och ungdomar med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi berättar om sitt möte med skolan. Locus nr 2, 2005, 38-56.